Countries of the UK
Pray for Schools has volunteer coordinators who oversee the country, liaise with prayer groups and produce newsletters.
In England around 800 groups and individuals are praying regularly for over 1,200 schools. But the need is massive – in 2010 there were 8.1 million pupils in schools in England! Who will pray for them?
Will you join with others praying for God to be at work in our schools? Check here or email Jane, our England Coordinator to find out more.
We are linked with several other organisations and denominations – for more information about our partners click here.
Pray for Schools Wales partners include CARE, Urban Saints, Scripture Union, Youth for Christ, ICE, Festive, Prayer Spaces in Schools and Open the Book
Here are some suggestions for prayer for Wales.
We have some bookmarks in Welsh or English which you can order to promote Pray for Schools
We also have a dual-language poster available:
Download Welsh-English A5 flyer
If you’re an individual or already part of a group who is praying for a school in Wales, or would like to get involved, we would love to hear from you via email.
Northern Ireland
Currently we do not have a coordinator for Pray for Schools in Northern Ireland. Our partners here in Northern Ireland include, CARE, Crown Jesus, Urban Saints, Scripture Union, Youth for Christ, 24/7 Prayer Ireland and the churches here.
There are 1,187 schools in Northern Ireland (DENI 2014), our vision is to see each one of them prayed for by their community in or surrounding the school. We have a small number of schools already being prayed for around Northern Ireland.
At the end of last year we held a meeting, gathering together staff and supporters of local schools to meet and pray into this vision and to seek Gods heart for our schools. This is something we hope to hold again so watch our Facebook page for future events.
If you are interested in praying for your local school and would like more information please email:
SU Scotland has administered Pray for Schools Scotland (formerly Schools Prayer Network) in Scotland since 2006 with the aim of supporting and encouraging people who pray for their local school.
Around 1,600 Scottish schools are currently being covered in prayer, out of a total of approximately 2,600 schools – that’s over 60%. The number of schools registered has trebled in the last eighteen months, and there is a real buzz about schools prayer with many people emailing to say they wish to be linked up with others who are praying, asking if their school is registered, and reporting back answers to prayer. SU schools workers are highlighting the need for schools prayer in their local areas, and there are instances of schools which have been “closed” to Christian input suddenly inviting SU staff to lead assemblies and wishing a Christian group for their pupils!
There are several different events in the Pray for Schools Scotland diary:
Back to School with God Sunday
Surround the City – praying for schools in Edinburgh:
and see the website for more events