Collective Prayers

A selection of prayers.


We received this lovely prayer from a pupil in a C of E School in the Worcester Diocese

Dear Lord Jesus

We want you to know we love our school with its music, singing, dancing, acting, joy and laughter. Thank you for our school family of friends who we love to see, who make us smile and help us to care for each other. Thank you for the yummy food at school, nice dinner ladies, for football and for snow to play in ,for space to learn, for having computers to have a go on and for being able to see the birds and your wonderful world from our playground. Thank you for our generous, lovely and kind teachers who give us fun things to do and help us to learn exciting things especially with Forest School. We pray for our school, our friends and teachers that you will bless and protect them and that we may all be back together there soon We love our school and we pray that children all over the world may have the chance to have such a wonderful school as ours and feel as safe as we do. Amen

Prayers based on Ephesians 4 v 32

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you.”

Loving God, we come to you in prayer at this time, as part of Love our Schools. We thank you for all of the good work that goes on in our schools.

We pray for teachers and support staff in our schools. We remember in our prayers all of those working in mainstream schools, as part of hospital schools, in pupil referral units or in other forms of schooling – all of which aim to support our children, as they learn, grow and develop. We pray for your mercy and guidance to be with the staff, as they seek to inspire the children in their classes. Imbue teachers with kindness, compassion and wisdom, strengthened by your Holy name.

We pray, living God, for all children, as they go through their school lives. May they be upheld through their friendships, families, learning and their teachers and support staff, to flourish and develop, day by day. When a child encounters difficulties or challenges, give them courage to seek the support they need and enable the school to provide kindness and love towards them, as they chart a way through.

We pray for our churches that we might seek closer links between the lives we lead as Christians and the schools near us; help us, living God, to pray for and work with schools in our community.
Almighty God, we ask that you bless the daily lives of all of those in our schools.
We pray this in the name of Jesus, our teacher and friend. Amen.

Revd Sara Iles, Free Churches Group


“The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.” Psalm 145 v8

We pray for compassionate hearts; Lord help us to love and serve those around us no matter what our differences. Remind us to soften our hearts, to view people how you see them, that we would be a light in their lives. Lord open our eyes to see those around us that are in need of our compassion. Help us to listen, to hear their needs, to be interested in their troubles.

Father help us to be more like you in a world where there is pain, loneliness and hurt – may we be voices for the oppressed, a giver to the poor and encouragement for the disabled. Lord may we love others as you love them.

Prayer Spaces in Schools