
See Pray For Schools events

Coming up!

Schools need our prayers every week!  Contact your local church or prayer group to find out what is happening. Or pray at home. See our Friends of Pray for Schools page for organisations involved in schools in your area

Why not plan an event in your local area?

Events School Year 2024/2025

We had a busy September with hundreds of Christians praying at the start of term and on the National Day of Prayer for Schools and lots of fun in February with Love our Schools.

Message us if you want to know who is praying in your area. Do contact your local schools work charity/trust for details of when they are praying!

Friday 9th May 7am-7.45am
Termly Prayer Zoom with the National Day of Prayer for Schools Team
Sign up on Eventbrite here


Wednesday 4th June 1pm-1-45pm

Praying for Chaplaincy in Schools Prayer Zoom

PFS England with Centre for Chaplaincy in Education

Sign up on Eventbrite here


PFS Wales Prayer Zoom,  Thursday June 19th at 7pm. Sign up next term

Praying for the schools in Wales.  Bilingual meeting including a Welsh language breakout group


Why not set up an event with your local churches?

Do let us know your plans

PFS Cheltenham Tuesday 6th May 7.15pm Contact

PFS Uttoxeter  Wednesday 30th April 7pm  Contact Jordan



7 step plan for your “Pray for Schools” event – download here

Ideas for a Pray for Schools invitation letter and who to invite here

Template running order for your event.  Download  template programme

We have produced some new resources for a 10 minute slot in your church service. Download here

Do let us know your event. or