Previous Resources
There are a variety of resources here to help you pray for your local schools.
Our resources are here to help you pray.
How can I pray for my local school?
Click on the links to access the prayer resources.
2019 Teach Us To Pray
Even though our God is awesome, holy and almighty we can still come right into His presence -when we come in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
2018 Thy Kingdom Come
Children are special to Jesus,so He beckons them over and tenderly blesses each one of them.
2017 Make Jesus Known
Making Jesus known is at the heart of all of our hopes for children and adults in schools.
2016 Freedom
What an awesome King we serve!
2015 Let Your Light Shine
Jesus says “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12
2014 Rooted In Love
When you and I come to know the Lord Jesus our lives are changed. He begins to help us to send down roots into the ground of His great love and that makes us grow in wisdom, kindness, truth and many other wonderful ways.
2013 Servant King
Lord Jesus, the Father has given You the place of highest honour and that is why we lift up Your name with joy and gladness in our hearts as we worship You!

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